Thursday 13 August 2015

ACN 2016 Asia expansion plans

So it seems that the plan for ACN is now to expand their business in Asia. Like for any company, it is a good thing to try and grow your business in order to maximize your income and power. The more your grow, the more money you get, it's simple.

But in this case, expansion is not a good thing. It will expose even more people to the dangers of ACN. It will be interesting to see how this plays out for them. If you remember the Enron saga, you know it didn't turn out so well for them when they tried to enter the asian energy market. In that part of the world, there is simply no need for what ACN is offering. Their diet & health products are targeted at mostly first world countries while their telecommunication services prices are among the lowest in the world (once again, the "favors" will have to be used in order to gain customers because they won't be able to offer competitive services).

It's interesting to see all the reps getting hyped over this expansion and showing it off on social media while they have no idea of the business side of things (even if they're calling themselves businessmen/women). The buzzword "expansion" is enough to get everybody hyped and to fuel their circlejerk.

We'll see how this plays out.

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